Monday, January 29, 2007

Today was our first day on the phones. Paige came around to help us get signed in to our computers, and then took off.

Gerald kept taking time off the phone to tell me about his weekend. He and Matt had their bowling night and he ended up hooking up with the woman who rents the shoes.

He also apologized for the whole scene with Ryan's girlfriend. He said she was there well into the night, crying and yelling and such. Gerald said he heard her smash some stuff before she left, but he was pretty sure none of it was mine.

Every time he got into a story, he'd get a call from the manager at the Watchtower telling him to get back on the phone. By the end of the day, they were just yelling at him across the floor.

It turns out I get two 15 minute breaks that day. I guess they give you a half an hour break every day, and you have the option to take it all at once or break it up into two smaller ones.

I don't remember choosing either, but I was informed I did at some point.

My first break was in the morning. Cheryl, the friend of the one with the big ones, was in the break room talking with a couple of friends.

I went to the other side of the room to a table with a bunch of newspapers on it. Someone had taken most of the newspaper and only left the car section.

I decided to see where I could get the best deal on a Nissan Pathfinder.

Cheryl was talking about someone and described them as "not the brightest knife in the drawer." I don't think she was going for irony.

My second break was around two. Gerald and I had it at the same time, but he said he had to go out to his car and make a private call. I went to the break room and sat with this guy who sits in a cube a few rows away from me. His name is Oscar.

He said he's been on the phones for awhile. Before that, he worked in a factory that made transmissions and got to travel to transmission factories all over the world. He was halfway into a story about his trip to Germany and how they made transmissions over there when Sue came in to tell us our break was over.

After meeting Oscar, I think that fifteen minute break is way too long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep living the dream, Gerald!